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These days, I’m all about leveling up my skincare game with the latest beauty tech. From high-tech gadgets promising pro-level results to DIY treatments that bring the spa to my living room, there’s a whole world of game-changers out there. Having dabbled in everything from non-invasive treatments to endless facials, these beauty tools are the real deal – giving me that glow-up without breaking the bank. Whether you’re tackling aging signs or fighting off dullness, I’ve rounded up the ultimate squad of beauty tools set to slay your skin. They’re poised to revolutionize your skincare routine for the better.

Jessica Wang wearing a black tie dress while sharing beauty tools // Jessica Wang -

LED Devices

One of my top picks among the myriad of beauty tools out there has to be LED devices. Backed by science, they offer a reliable solution for achieving the desired results. What’s more, they’re virtually painless. With a plethora of options available, from full LED masks to more targeted tools for specific facial areas, all harness the power of light therapy to enhance skin health. For example, red light therapy is renowned for its ability to combat breakouts and inflammation, stimulate collagen production, and refine skin texture. Consistency is key with LED therapy, so incorporating it into your regular skincare routine is essential for optimal results.

Jessica Wang wearing a ruffle dress with semi sheer gloves while sharing advanced beauty tools // Jessica Wang -

Muscle Stimulation

Want a face lift without the procedure? I highly suggest you invest in an electric muscle stimulation device. This cutting-edge technology uses small microcurrents to sculpt and tighten facial muscles, providing visible lifting effects. The highly sought-after NuFace Device utilizes this muscle stimulation method to deliver immediate results, offering an effortless way to achieve a rejuvenated appearance without the expense of clinical treatments. If you’re new to muscle stimulation beauty tools, I recommend starting at a low intensity and gradually increasing as you become accustomed to the sensation. However, once you do, you’ll be so grateful for those chiseled jawline and cheekbones!

Jessica Wang beauty tools // Jessica Wang -


Did you know you can now enjoy the benefits of microneedling from the comfort of your own home? This minimally invasive procedure involves the use of a device with fine needles to create tiny punctures in the skin, stimulating the body’s natural wound healing process and boosting collagen and elastin production. That being said, many at-home options often utilize hyaluronic acid and peptides as the needles, which dissolve into the skin, minimizing the risk of causing excessive damage. Personally, I find microneedling especially effective when done at night – I wake up with the most gorgeous glowing skin!

Jessica Wang wearing a sheer black gown // Jessica Wang -

Cold Lasering

This treatment is also known as low-light laser therapy and uses lasers to stimulate tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. Unlike surgical lasers that generate heat to cut or destroy tissue, cold laser therapy utilizes non-thermal wavelengths of light that are applied directly to the skin’s surface. During this process, light is absorbed by cells within the body which triggers a series of responses. This boost in energy helps to accelerate the healing process and promotes tissue regeneration. Cold lasering could be an amazing at-home treatment if you want to specifically target scars and acne. It’s important to note that this does require consistent, frequent use of the best results. I suggest aiming for use twice a day for at least 15 minutes for the first couple of months.

Have you tried any of these advanced beauty tools?

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