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One of the things I struggled with most when I first started shooting was posing – and not just posing but getting comfortable in public when you have tons of eyes on you as people pass by. Fashion month can be the most nerve racking since there are herds of photographers who run up to you and snap ferociously. I’ve gotten used to this now but it took some time. Since so many of you have asked about photography advice and posing tips for bloggers, I’m going to share them today. It’s been over four years since I’ve had to get in front of the camera, but there are a few things I do every time.…
Get ready to practice modeling this weekend because I’m sharing my top posing tips for bloggers that helped me significantly when I first started.
1. Walk
As a result, it’s basically a guaranteed money shot as long as your photographer gets the timing right. Practice a few times and you’ll eventually become a natural.
These days, Instagrammable shots are more about creating a natural, free-flowing vibe. The easiest way to achieve this and feel comfortable is to walk. This is a “pose” I often resort to because it’s so easy to nail and doesn’t require you to look at the camera. Your photographer can stand from a distance and shoot you discreetly. Whether you’re shot from the side, front, or back, these photos always turn out best. This style of “posing” was born out of street style photography.
2. Watch the hands
Hands are so important when it comes to blog photography. In the past, I recall thinking all the time “what do I do with my hands?” I’ve since learned that natural movements are best.
For females, we have a tendency to brush our hair back or out of our face using our hands. This also works well in photos (like in the image above). But it could also be fixing the lapels on your jacket or the sleeves and putting your hands in your pocket. You have plenty of options here, it’s really all about going through the motion and not thinking too much about the exact movement to do.
3. Use props
Don’t underestimate the power of props. Not only do they enhance your photos but they also make you feel more comfortable. Instead of thinking about the camera, you’ll be thinking about that thing in your hand – or the action you’re “supposed” to be doing. For example, in these two images, I have a cup of lemonade and a cup of iced coffee. I’m touching the straw and looking away in the photo right, but have the straw up to my mouth in the image below.
Although it’s just a drink and a straw…
the prop and actions end up creating a lifestyle element in photo form!
The example above shows the incorporation of flowers. Nothing makes a photo bright and happy like a fresh bouquet. But don’t forget about the things you always carry with you like your handbag, shoes, or sunglasses. Those accessories can all be used as props to help you bring out this lifestyle feeling.
4. Twirl & walk some more
As a fashion blogger, part of your job is to showcase the clothes your wearing – the fit, silhouette, and draping. You can achieve that best by spinning, jumping, and twirling. It also helps make a photoshoot much more fun and playful. No one likes to feel and look serious on set. A light bounce in the image here shows off the breeziness of the tench coat I’m wearing. Had I just stood still, the photo wouldn’t have been as flattering.
5. Act it out
when in doubt, act it out…
Surprisingly, posing requires a bit of acting (and that requires a lot of practicing).
One of my favorite acts is hailing a cab because it looks natural and cool especially when you’re on the streets and surrounded by cars.
There are other ways you can act – like reading a book or magazine as I did below and even putting on lipstick using the mirror on a car.
You can’t be shy about trying new things or possibly looking ridiculous on camera. Posing is a learning experience and the only way to get better in front of the camera is to act! I will say it helps if you have a dedicated photographer since trying new things with new people can be awkward in itself.
5. Give some shoulder action
Now for a real posing technique, utilize your shoulders. This looks amazing when you’re being shot portrait-style from the side – and it’s something we often see models do. If you pay any attention to beauty or fashion editorials, models always bring their shoulders slightly up and forward towards their chins. In the photo right, I used this technique and you can see how natural and flattering my posture and body look.

7. Use your environment
You always hear photographers talk about location. The better a location is, the more you can use it too. That leads me to my last bit of advice: Use your environment. It can get easy to become so focused on the pose and the photo itself that you become blind to the structures and details around you. Pay attention to them because they can facilitate your shoot. I’ve learned to look for stairs, single steps, lamp stands, or even rails that I can lean or sit on. Cafes are the best because they usually have super cute furniture and counters for you to use.

Now for the million dollar question, how do you get comfortable posing in public?
I don’t know that I have an end-all be-all answer to this. However, I’ve realized that when I focus on all the tips above, I start to care less about everyone and everything around me. It all comes down to purpose – if you know you have photos to deliver (whether for a client or a blog post), then your job is to get those photos done regardless of anything that comes your way. If you worry about everyone else around you, you’ll never finish what you need to. So, focus on your end goal, utilize the tips above, and drown out the noise.
I love a collaborative community so if you have other posing tips for bloggers, chime in below! Would love to learn something new :)