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How to Organize Your Closet, Chanel Vanity Bag, White Maxi Dress //

White Maxi Dress Similar | Chanel Vanity Bag Similar

Whenever we near a seasonal transition period, as we are about to now, I always find myself with the urge to organize my wardrobe. It always seems to bursting at the seams with clothing to finish out the current season and more clothing to gear up for next season. When this happens, i know it is about time for me to take a half a day to tidy up. Not only does it look better, but it also clears up my headspace too! Nothing makes me happier than a clean, organized home, and my favorite place to start is in the closet. So, I’m going to share some tips on how to organize your closet from start to finish. So let’s get started.

How to Organize Your Closet, Chanel Vanity Bag, White Maxi Dress, Balenciaga Knife Shoes //

Step 1: Empty Everything

If you really want to invest in a deep dive of your wardrobe, the first step is to empty everything out. This allows you to start fresh and it enforces you to be thorough in your organization. Whenever I embark on this cleaning journey, I tend to dump everything out onto my bed and the floor including clothing, shoes, accessories, etc.

It might even be beneficial to remove any closet organizers such as bins, shelves, trays and so forth so you can restructure your space too if needed.

How to Organize Your Closet, Chanel Vanity Bag //

How to Organize Your Closet, Chanel Vanity Bag, White Maxi Dress //

Step 2: Declutter

From here, I take inventory of what I have, go through everything I own, and really evaluate its worth. To me, this is the best part but also the most stressful! I prefer to be methodical about it and thoroughly analyze each piece I own. If I love a certain article and I know I wear it all the time, that is an automatic keep. However, if there are certain items I have not touched in months, it might be time to let it go.

So what to do with the clothing you no longer need? If it is in good shape, there is no need to toss it in the garbage. You can upcycle it and find the piece a new home because chances are it does suit someone else’s needs or style. List it online to turn it into a profit through platforms like EbayPoshmark, and Depop – or donate it to a local thrift store. When it comes to donating, I encourage you to donate to organizations who don’t resell the items but instead gift it to families in need.

How to Organize Your Closet, Chanel Vanity Bag //

Step 3: Organize

After you have gone through your belongings and did some decluttering, it is finally time to put everything back where it belongs. Whatever you do, do not haphazardly shove things back on shelves, as this defeats our purpose! Instead, pick an organization method that makes sense to you and will make getting dressed in the morning as simple as possible. Whether that be grouping tops in sleeve length and color or moving your most worn pieces to the most accessible part of your closet. Here are a few ways you can organize better:

Baskets – Whether you like a wicker, wooden, or cloth look, storage baskets keep your mess out of sight, and they look adorable on open-shelves. They’re super affordable so you don’t have to break the bank to buy a few.

Designer Boxes – I have a decent collection of designer goodies and sometimes like to display the boxes they came in for decoration. They are not empty though – I love stashing smaller things inside of them that I don’t have room for!

Built-In Shelves – If you have a more permanent home, built-in shelving is a huge game changer. I highly recommending investing in the installation or a DIY project. Built-in shelves conceal hard to store accessories like jewelry, scarves, and sunglasses.

Hooks – Personally, I’m not a huge fan of hooks because I think it can look messy. However, if you add a few hooks to the wall inside your closet, it can help you store commonly used scarves, ties, or jackets.

Clothing Rack – If you’ve maximized all the space in your closet, add a clothing rack to the office or your bedroom. This works well if you live in a tiny apartment. It can add a decorative element if you have really cool, unique, and even vintage pieces to show off.

It feels so much better having everything in its place! I cannot tell you how relieved I was to finally get this task done and over with. My wardrobe is geared up for fall and going into the new season as organized as possible is key. Is it time for your wardrobe to be cleaned?

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