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I think most bloggers would agree that by this time, we’re all a little exhausted and overworked, but the passion is what drives us to keep going – even when all the partying starts to feel old. Sometimes, getting ready to go out becomes such a routine that we can easily overlook safety during the holidays. I’m sure most of you can relate, so I wanted to share my tips for staying safe this season.

1. Don’t plan to drive
Safety has always been a priority for me since the very beginning – and it’s a huge reason why Uber has become such a crucial part of my holiday night outs. My evenings usually start in a frantic no matter how prepared I am. From picking the perfect holiday night out look to getting my hair and makeup right, it can all be very stressful especially if photos are involved. Once I have myself situated, I’m usually scrambling through emails and taking care of business. Running around with all of this on my mind makes it extremely difficult to be present, which is why I don’t even bother driving anymore.
My solution… Uber!
If you’re usually flustered around the holidays, spare yourself the responsibility of driving – and focus on what matters instead, like getting ready, socializing, and building relationships. Most importantly, if you plan to drink, definitely don’t plan to drive. And if you don’t have a designated driver, take advantage of Uber.
2. Keep friends and family informed
Also, always keep a friend or family member informed. A night out mingling with a few drinks can make your loved ones uneasy, so I never leave without letting my husband or mom know where I’m going.
3. Know your options
Whenever ride sharing, it’s crucial to be realistic and know that no form of transportation is 100% risk free. If you’re ever faced with an emergency situation, the Uber app allows you to connect with 911 directly. Seeing that little police shield at the bottom of the app always reminds me to be alert and safe even when I’m just waiting for my ride at night. I love that all you have to do is pull up the Emergency Toolkit with the push of that button to make a call if needed.
Thanks to Uber for sponsoring this post. All text and opinions are my own.