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The close of 2018 and the inception of a brand new year means a new start and fresh beginnings. Every single year, millions of people make their New Year’s resolutions but how many people actually sustain them? There is a reason why gym memberships spike at the beginning of every new year and then attendance inevitably dissipates as the weeks go by. If you find yourself guilty of doing this in the past, make 2019 the year where you embrace change and embed your resolutions into your lifestyle. Whether your goal is to lose weight or to strengthen your productivity skills, here are 5 apps to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions and stay on track!…
Get Fit & Healthy
One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions among the masses is to get in better shape so one can feel confident and healthy. In order to stay motivated, try downloading the Lose It! app. Essentially, it guides your food intake and exercise regimen with a custom weight loss plan. Counting calories is easy with the built in food recognition technology and food scanner so it makes eating healthy a lot easier. Plus, you have access to the Lose It! Community where you can connect with people sharing the same goal. Remember that diet is a huge part of getting fit.
Maximize Productivity
If your goal for 2019 is to manage life a little better by maximizing your productivity, try out the Hours app. This tool utilizes a running list of timers so you can manage your time effectively. This is especially handy if you are an entrepreneur or if you work remotely and struggle with separating work from your personal life. If you have a myriad of projects and assignments, the Hours app will create a timeline so you can stay productive and administer your precious time wisely.

Manage Personal Finance
After the holiday season, you probably spent a lot more of your disposable income than any other typical month, so it’s a great time to get your personal finances in check. For those who wish to oversee their funds in a more hands-on way, the Mint app makes it quite easy. It is an all-in-one resource for handling a budget and tracking spending. It also allows you to sync your bank, credit cards, bills and other finances so you see the big picture of where your money is going.

Unleash Creativity
One of the most frustrating hurdles to overcome, especially when you work for yourself, is tackling creative blocks. It can be such a struggle trying to get past a mental roadblock when all you want is to be productive. This is where the Brainsparker app comes into play because it “zaps your brain into thinking differently.” It essentially walks you through an exercise where you can shuffle a deck of virtual cards in which each has a thought-provoking word or phrase to get your creative juices flowing.
Be Mindful
Lastly, if your New Year’s resolution is to become more mindful and at ease, the MoodKit app will help you improve your mood and guide you into happiness. This app was developed by two psychologists and is inspired by Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). It utilizes two different tools that help you employ mood-enhancing activities, identify and change unhealthy thinking habits, track your moods, and create custom journal entries so you can ensure 2019 is filled with confidence and positive self-affirmations.
What apps are you using to help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions for 2019?