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You guys are well aware by now how I feel about the blogging game. Regardless of what speculation goes around, I firmly believe that an online business can be the way whether you’re an influencer like me or want to leverage your blog into products or services. However, no one gets there without doing the work, and part of doing the work is finding the right resources to help you get there.

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I do my best to draw from my own experiences and offer the best advice I can, but don’t stop here. You can still find plenty of amazing resources online if you look. If you’re not sure where to start, here are the best online resources for bloggers:

1. Fohr

Fohr is a platform that connects brands with influencers, but where it really shines as a resource is on YouTube! I love the “Drink with James” series because he’s so candid and honest when it comes to valuable blogging advice for influencers. The series are typically pretty short and easy to watch because he’s so engaging. If you haven’t created a Fohr Account, I highly recommend doing so even if it’s only to see all your stats in one place. The great thing is that once you’ve connected all your social accounts onto their dashboard, they even have a suggested dollar value for your services.

2. rewardStyle Conference

You guys know that I’m a huge proponent of rewardStyle – and have worked with the team for years now. Every year, they host an exclusive conference where they educate influencers like you and me on the digital landscape and trends.

They also connect you with brands, which I think is the biggest selling point. You get in front of at least three brands and have the chance to build a relationship and pitch yourself. If you’re new to making money in this business, this portion of the conference is essential to building the confidence to get started!

3. Create & Cultivate

I don’t know about you, but I have always loved hearing about other women’s success whether it’s interviews, live panels, or blog posts. At times, I’ve witnessed a testimony that strikes a chord, which I then transfer into my business and turn into improved results. The kind of speakers they bring onto their panel are really amazing and inspiring – and the entire energy just really sets you up for success.
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4. Bloglovin

Bloglovin has undergone so many changes since its inception, and today, I wanted to talk about it as a resource – not a tool! If you haven’t seen the updated blog, Influence, you should check it out. There are tons of informative articles on digital marketing and how to use social media, which I find so useful. The Industry Insights and Research Reports are great resources for gaining a high-level overview of what you should be thinking about when it comes to your business.

5. Mailchimp

Finally, I want to talk about Mailchimp! If the idea of newsletters have been sitting on the back burner for a while now, I urge you to bring it forward! They can seem intimidating, but your email list will be your best asset ever. What’s great about Mailchimp is that it provides you with so many easy guides on how to use the platform. The team is excellent at making sure their functions are current (e.g. the highly talked about GDPR) and user friendly. That’s one of the reasons why I stick to it as my newsletter provider. Take my advice and start building your list now!

What are some of your favorite online resources for bloggers? Let me know what you’re reading!

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